Anatomy of a putt

Here we are in the early phases of the 2022 golf season and nothing can improve a golfer’s scoring more than focusing on the quality of both lag and short putting.
A quantitative method of lag putting as provided in “Putting By The Numbers” (PBTN) delivers a methodology that will allow the golfer an accurate lag putt resulting in a hole-out, or a putt ending up in the 3 to 5 foot diameter of the hole for a highly probable 2 putt.

Getting the lag putt close to the hole in that 3 to 5 foot diameter of the hole allows the golfer a 95+%probability of making the 2 putting. Nothing destroys a golfer’s scoring more than the dreaded 3 or 4 putt. However, by learning, practicing and executing the quantitative method of lag putting as presented in the book and videos of PBTN the 3 and 4 putt is only a distance memory.

This phenomenon of near perfect 2 putt performance with an occasional hole-out is created by the accurate lag putt and the resultant 3 to 5 foot leaving the 2 putt. Only having to practice the 3 to 5 foot short putt increases the confidence level of short putt performance to the 95 to 99% range. This combination of quantitative lag putting and the increased intensity of 3-5 foot short putt practice is an unbeatable combination to take to any golf course and any competition.


Cut 4 - 12 strokes a round!